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HUG NEWS 70 9th Dec 20

So another week wizzes by, where are all the weeks going? I feel sorry for those people who say they are bored, having done all the decorating and other things they had put off so as to pass the time whilst not being able to get on with "normal" life. They should join a ukulele group, its full on!

So the Vaccinations start and testing for all starts on Wirral, is this the light at the end of the Tunnel? Lets hope so.

Hugukuleletv123, a number of circumstances have meant that we have been marking time a little but continue to play along on a

Friday. Inevitably the recent weeks have been taken up with all things Concert. We are nearly there what with people collaborating on videos from a distance with all of the challenges that brings. I bet those involved never dreamed this time

last year that they would be doing that. We cannot say that the U3a doesn't push the learning aspect! I think though as much as it was a challenge it was also fun to do.

I have been busy collating the videos and editing them as I learn new skills. I add that to our list of things I never dreamed I would be doing this time last year.

I had considered doing a preview for you on the Friday before but hopefully members of the U3a will have learned how to follow us and I didn't want to let people see the concert ahead of the actual date and time (10.30 am on 21st Dec just in case you have forgotten!).

As you know I had some concerns that the event was not being publicised well in advance. Mainly because my instincts are that a good many U3a members will be baffled about signing up or being able to view and listen. Over the past few days I have been in contact with Bill Woods and Allison Adlard about ensuring you get the widest exposure within the membership for your talents. I am pleased to say the need for action has been, well, actioned! To help simplify things I have written a News letter to be sent to U3a Members about the Christmas Concert and how members may watch it. As you can see, I have simply included a very easy clickable link that takes people directly to our Twitch Channel. They don't really need to know about Twitch so clicking just does everything they need to do to be able to watch us. I have also though, for those who would like to sign up to our channel as you have done, given details of how they may do this and so get the full benefit of following us. I really cannot make it any simpler! The problem is when people cannot think beyond Zoom. I have also drafted emails for closer to the event that will also have the clickable link in them, so it will be a multipronged attempt to get people ready for watching.

Like I have done for ourselves whenever there has been a special event, I will arrange for an invitation to the event to be sent out. It will have dates times and detail of the event, it will be a bit more realistic than just an email.

I am hoping that other U3a groups might like to view as well and details are being forwarded to them.

Hug Social is in tickover at the moment as other things take precedent but just like the Windmill Club we never close!

Blues Course, this has just completed its 3rd weekly lesson and we are having a lot of fun battling the dreaded Zoom! But it is great to see the enthusiasm put in by all 8 participants. I am hoping that whilst we necessarily have spent time on entrenching basics they are seeing how wide a subject it is and how it influences modern music. We are going to complete another 2 lessons and then after Christmas push on to stretch ourselves further.

I am not sure if I shocked them but I have set them a project of writing a blues song incorporating some words and using the basics we have covered. They are all masters of understanding how to transpose from one key to another!

Original Songs, it will be good to move early next year to pick up again on penning Original Songs, so don't forget if you have not done this before why not have a go. There are plenty of people to ask for advice now. Even consider collaborating with someone, it worked for Lennon and Mcartney!

Poems. seasonal or otherwise are always welcome to feature.

Once we are through Christmas we will swing the emphasis towards new to us songs, we have some outstanding on our website so these will be priority.

Well its back to the editing for me, I love it! Stay safe and well and remember you are the ambassadors for all things HUG, if you can encourage and help others to tune in to what we do then great, especially friends in U3a who may need help in tuning in to the Christmas Concert. New members fully signed up are particularly welcome.

Stay safe!


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