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HUG NEWS 18 17th December 19

So this is the last Blog News of 2019 (where did that year

go?) It has been a wonderful start up year for us with

progress exceeding expectations for HUG. I genuinely felt

that if 8 to 10 of us had stuck it out I would be relieved!

Instead we have an abundance of enthusiasm and dedicated

people with each of you making a contribution, so a big thank

you to each and everyone of you.

One thing I wanted to do was encourage people who had

been initially reticent about getting up and singing to do so

and it is great to see peoples confidence grow, long may it

continue. We have great singers.

Another feature has been your willingness to try out new things, this is a strength for us. I can promise more in the New Year as it is always good to challenge yourself. It has been necessary to put this aspect on hold for a few months as we concentrated upon Christmas Songs and prepping for initial Gigs. I look forward to using new and perhaps unfamiliar songs to some of you to help facilitate learning new skills. The new songs also are a departure from those played by other groups.

If you wish to, you can take a look at the songs in red as they will become priority for us. You will see some are familiar some not so. I hope to add Margaretaville as our next song to learn.The song is by Jimmy Buffet and is a familiar Country Song. It is a great song, easy to play and sing along to. It has a Riff in it that I will cover and encourage certainly some of us to play. Riffs and Tableture will become more prevalent as we go forward. all to be explained! we will of course return to work in progress songs as well.

Web Site I am hoping to make some changes to the web site during the break (and between over eating and sleeping off the Christmas excess). In particular the music section and our members section. Note! I have added Take Me Home Country Roads in the key of G.

HUG 2 we have been making solid progress over the past few weeks and last week they threw themselves into learning a number of new strumming patterns. You have heard me say before that I believe strumming to be a neglected skill. Yet I think it is the key to interpreting songs beyond just playing a relentless up down strum. Once you know the required basic chords, it is strumming variety within a song that helps bring a song alive along with stops starts.

Friday Meeting This Friday is our last of this year and it would be great to see as many as possible there. we will make it a bit of a party so Hats, Jumpers Tinsel etc is the order of the day. No doubt mince pies will be in evidence and lots of singing and playing but with a twist!

It will be great to have everyone there and I have extended an invitation to HUG 2 members to come along and see what we get up to, lets extend a warm welcome to them as future HUG members.

Finally, a great big thank you to each and everyone of you for supporting HUG and helping to get it off the ground by spreading the word. Long may we continue to grow and develop and help each other be the best we can be or want to be.


PS. I have re written 12 days of Christmas, It is in or Christmas song page in red.

You can work out the chords, I got fed up!


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