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HUG NEWS 21 21st JAN 20

The post Christmas and New Year blues are now well in play so we are fortunate to play a fun instrument like the ukulele to cheer us up.

We are now settling in to the new year and as promised we will ramp up the learning opportunities via new songs as well as playing our favourites. Just to mix it up a bit we will work through our music list in reverse alphabet order.

Margaretaville, It was good to start to add a new song last week and it was great to hear us throw ourselves in to learning Tablature and Riffs. It sounded really good. We now just have to tighten up the Riffs at the start and the particularly tricky end Riff. there are also a couple of lines within the song that we struggled with but a few listens to the song being performed will resolve this.

Let It Be, continuing the theme of learning Tablature we will work on this song, (see our music song list for a copy of it). It has Riffs that are the same as Margaretaville so should be easier for us to learn. The Riffs are the same Fingering but obviously not the same number of Riffs of each as Margaretaville. There are 2 important parts to this song 1. the Riff and 2. the F and the C chord played as single strums whilst the Riff is being played. I have demonstrated the Riff for you on our website in the Members Section if you want to prep ready for Friday. We will once again all learn the Riff and how it fits with the F and C chords.

This song will be familiar to us as opposed to Margaretaville which for some was a new song and so getting familiar with it added another complexity.

Open Mike, although not technically the last Friday in the month I thought we should now introduce this new feature to the group as we have a lot of interest. In the long run I envisage 15 to 20 minutes for this feature but to launch it and to not let all those who have expressed a wish to feature a song would be unfair.

The following people will be performing a song, Roger, Barry, John, Di, Geoff, Sheila and myself. In no particular order.

To avoid confusion here are the guidelines:-

A. Must be a song we do not have in our Music list

B. It can be individual, two's, threes and up to a maximum of six performing the song.

C. You can use any musical instrument you can get in to the room

D. If you want the group to join in then please provide copies for up to 3 people to share

E. Those not performing will be enthusiastic in our support of each performance.

Coffee morning U3a, As most of us are new members of Heswall U3a we will have received an invite to a coffee morning to learn more about our U3a. It is on the 20th Feb at 10.00am at Heswall Hall. It would be great for as many of us as possible to attend.

New Starters, I hope that those of you who joined us last week enjoyed yourselves. We know it can be daunting joining as a newer player but don't put pressure on yourself as we can assure you as long as you continue with regular structured practice as we discussed you will quickly improve. I know there is safety in numbers but the best thing to do is to learn off the more experienced players. you are not getting judged! It would also be good to welcome more of the new starters who have completed the new starter course.

New Mixing Desk and PA, You may have noticed I used new equipment last week. It was a big learning curve for me (touch and go initially!) but I felt it was important that I learn to use it ahead of any gigs. The new PA allows us a lot more flexibility with the number of microphones and the overall sound.

I look forward to seeing as many you as possible on Friday and of course the highlight of hearing the open mike performers. I hope they will inspire others to have a go in the coming months, individually or with others.


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