A banjo player and his wife were woken at 3 clock in the morning by a loud knock on the door. The banjo player got up went to the door and found a ukulele player standing in the pouring rain. "I need a push", said the ukulele player.
"Not a chance", said the banjo player, "it's 3 o'clock in the morning", slammed the door and went back to bed. "Who was that?", asked the wife.
"Just some ukulele player bloke asking for a push", he answered. "Did you help him?", she asked. "No, I did not, it's 3 o'clock in the morning and it's pouring with rain outside", he said.
"Well.........you have a short memory", said the wife, "don't you remember, about three months ago when we broke down and those nice young men helped us? I think you should help him and you should be ashamed of yourself".
The banjo player does as he is told, gets dressed, and goes out in the pouring rain. He called out into the dark night "hello are you still there?".
"Yes" comes back the answer.
"Do you still need a push?", called the banjo player.
"Yes please", came the reply in the dark.
"Where are you?", asked the banjo player.The ukulele player replied,
"Over here on the swing".
Pentatonic Scale once again thank you for bearing with me and trying it out. The caveat as always is if this is not for you or you don't yet feel ready then thats ok, just take what you can from it. I just want the lessons to be accessible to all. On Friday we will just quickly look at Tab position 3 of the scale. Remember, the primary purpose of learning the Pentatonic Scales Exercises is to train your fingers and brain to play individual notes rather than chords. in this way you are learning the skill of Riffs using Tab in a natural way over time.
If Riffing is for you then you can experiment and try finding the notes of a melody (that is the tune you sing). Use the Pentatonic Scale as a foundation but be prepared to use other notes to complete the tune. (Typically they will be notes from the full 7 note scale).
Riffs, I have put an orange "R" next to the songs with Riffs in them. If Riffing is for you then you can practice these and suitably impress us all!
Membership Renewal of U3a For those not present last week, we have permission to renew memberships at our Friday meetings during March rather than having to attend a U3a renewal meeting.
Coffee Cups Heswall Hall now have white coffee mugs for use with the coffee machine. This will help reduce the use of non recyclable plastic cups. The mugs are in a cupboard in the kitchen.
Open Mike this Friday we will have our second Open Mike session. We have some new people performing who will be given priority. The aim is for about 15 to 20 minutes showcasing songs we do not have on our music list.
Crib Sheet just a reminder, I have started to put together what I call a "Crib Sheet", (You can access it from the Crib Sheet Button in the Music section of our website. It has reminders of how we play songs, intros, endings, strums etc. If you are like me, I forget very easily such information, so having a copy to reference will help.
Playing our favourites we have been working or way through the alphabet and I think we are down to "R" having played Ripple at the end last week, so lets pick up from there.
Next Month we will have a new song to learn, it is The Galway Girl, there is a song sheet and video of it being performed for you to get the feel for the song in our Music section. Any prior prep you can do will speed our learning. This should be a fun song for us to do with plenty of potential for audience participation.
See you all Friday