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HUG NEWS 28 10th March 20

Sorry if you were not present when we took the photo, I promise to update it soon.

Why do ukulele Players stand for long periods outside peoples houses?

They can't find the key and they don't know when to come in.

Why do Ukulele players smile when they play?

Because ignorance is bliss and what they don't know can't hurt them.

Covid 19 Update, the most up to date information will always be in our Members Area of our website. It does appear that we are moving into the next phase of Delay. This is aimed at slowing down what is now inevitable so as to take the pressure off the NHS when they are already under pressure this time of the year.

Anything we can do to delay will help. We are lagging Italy by about 2 weeks. Also for our age group the effect on older people is circa 4 -10%. On Friday we will take a view about whether we should continue or suspend meeting for a while. this is not an easy decision because there are others like staff at Heswall Hall to be mindful of. I do though think it is important that those of us with underlying medical issues, particularly respiratory, heart conditions stay away for now. Also as I am sure you would, if you have a cold or cough or temperature its better to be safe than sorry. We are in this for the long haul so want everyone to be safe and well.

The equipment we are using has once again been sanitised and microphones and stands allocated. Any sanitising wipes or gels would be sensible to bring along and use.

New Song, we worked on The Galway Girl last week and will continue to do so this Friday (Jill now is the time to learn your deedles from your diddly dees!). We will pay attention to the single strums and stops and starts.

Nod to St Patrick, next Tuesday is St Patricks Day and I thought it would be fun to have our own "Session". With this in mind I have highlighted in Green our Irish Songs. You will see that there are 7 songs, I have added Fields of Athenry and Wild Rover, please bring along copies or download them, whichever way you normally access our songs. We will play all 7 songs one after the other as a "Session". Bonus points given to anyone sporting something green!

Open Mike, just a reminder there will be a sheet for you to put your name down if you would like to perform a number for us, go on give it a go!

Music Basics, In the next couple of days I will add in our Members Area Music Basics 2 for those of you who are interested. It will be a brief introduction to the mysteries of Transposing a song from one key into another.

Heswall U3a Membership, just a reminder Dot will be handling U3a Renewals of membership this Friday and for the rest of March. Renewal is £10. I do hope that you will want to continue with HUG. If you do not intend to renew your U3a Membership and continue with HUG I wish you well and thank you for helping establish HUG.

Stay well and I hope to see as many of you as we can on Friday, Shamrocks at the ready!


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