Hi, another beautiful day, it really does feel as though nature us trying to tell us something. I walk very early in the morning, the air is sweet, the birds are singing louder than ever (or maybe without the noise pollution we can now hear them better).
Suddenly the simple things is life mean so much more, a walk, a cycle a jog (yuk!)
Shopping for what we need and not what we want, saying hello, smiling at others (from 2 metres of course!)
hugukulele123, well we have been streaming now for nearly a month and its becoming a way of life for us. Its so much fun to find a new way to interact and the banter in chat is priceless!
Between us I think we have achieved so much with a broadcasting medium that is traditionally the domain of younger tech savvy people. Us oldies still have so much to offer! My daughter tells me the online community are amazed at what we have been doing.
Friday live stream, we have a number of songs held over from last week so we will feature them this week so as to add them to our growing library of songs to stream.
As usual, I will put out the list of songs for this week by early evening Thursday to give you time to prep for Fridays stream.
Now the next move for us is to be able to play requests. I would like you to email me on dave@thewus.co.uk with your request. But only request songs from the list of songs we define as songs to stream on our music area on the website.
I will collate the number of requests for particular songs and the ones receiving most votes will be added to our list for Friday. I will have to put a limit on so that we can play first off the outstanding songs but requested songs will be played as we go forward.
So get emailing, by noon tomorrow please so as to give me time to organise things. It will be one request per person, so two songs from couples.
We have a number of Birthdays, so of course we will sing Happy Birthday, you will find the chords in our music list, (as soon as I can put theme up).
hugukulelequiz the quiz at the HUG & LETTUCE is now attracting more and more people. a big thank you to all participating to make Tuesday nights quiz night (and an excuse to have a drink night, not that some need an excuse any night!)
You really do make the night, the chat is priceless! Also, it is great that we are being joined by our friends from Bury (or is it Berry?) They are combining together on line to form a team, so maybe thats the way to go!
Helping in the Community, I asked for instances where people are helping out in the current situation. It's a really big thanks from all of us to Claud. Wirral Hospice St Johns are opening a Covid-19 Ward. Claud informed me the GMC has restored his licence to practice and he is going to work there. he will be communicating with families and supporting staff. He is involved in initiating measures to minimise risk of entering a building where Covid-19 patients are being cared for to the same more or less as going to a supermarket, in fact with a stronger adherence to social distancing rules than some people appear to!
So proud to acknowledge the selfless work of Claud and his colleagues.
Soft toys socially isolating, in these troubling times it is good to know even our soft toys are being socially responsible (even if a bit confused!) Thanks to Sheila for sharing.
Claim to Fame, as I told you, if you think about it we all have at least one claim to fame. So if you haven't sent me yours, take inspiration from those who have, I know you've all got at least one, don't be modest. It is good to learn a little about each other beyond our shared interest of playing ukulele. I will put the ones I have received in our Members area on our website, take a look.
HUG 1st Birthday Celebration. By now you should have your Invitation. I do hope as many of you as can will join in with us for our Hawaiian themed Virtual 1st Birthday Celebration on the 2nd May. together we have achieved so much to build a true group and not just a number of people playing together. If you are not yet joining us in our streaming I hope this will be the incentive to. All the details of how to are in the members area on the website.
We are working in the background to make the event fun and memorable for all.
Finally, just to wish you well, stay safe and hopefully in the not too distant future we will be back together, albeit 2 metres apart!