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HUG NEWS 49 15th July 20

And so it goes on, just as you think we are coming out of the nightmare that is Covid-19 they now depress us with warnings of an even more dire second wave! Well we just have to make the best of things.

I stripped down the stream and have spent some time with my daughter Kate adjusting things to get the balance right. It means now juggling hardware changes to use different sources but can cope.

The Macbook Pro has now been taken away and looked at and whilst it can be fixed you are talking about a big expense as it is a hardware problem and Apple deliberately don't make things easy or cheap to fix. (That is one of the reasons I will be running the new system on a PC). So I have decided to wing it for several weeks and hope it holds out until September and the new computer.

Quick Lesson, a big thank you for so many of you tuning in early. I had expected a couple maybe would do so.

From the outset I deliberately did not say that we are learning through the song "Let it Be" because the temptation would be to individually learn the song. Instead I would like us to use the song as a vehicle for emphasising the learning points in stages. Eventually we will piece it all together so we perform it, so do bear with me. Doing it this way then we will learn it in a consistent way.

I have provided a brief audio of me playing the Riffs combined, that is, the easier one and the slightly harder one so that you can hear how they sound together. You can play whichever one is comfortable for you. When we play together then the effect of this will be great.

I will inform you by email of the Quick Lesson 3 for Friday so that you can have this ready.

The way ahead. There is a lot going on behind the scenes with the aim of getting us back together. I thought it would be useful to share some of the thinking and issues to be considered.

Firstly, in the context of our U3A advice, there are clearly some Community Facilities opening up but under strict Government guidelines, including maximum group numbers, no music playing, singing or speaking in a loud voice. There are other restrictions! The advice to 70+ is still to minimise contact outside of households and take account of the risk of transmission indoors.

In short, the U3A advice is still for no indoor activities for groups. For clarification advice in this context means for the purpose of group insurance requirements.

This is a rightful cautious approach given the demographics of U3A. It does not preclude planning so that we can move quickly if things change. With this in mind the Trustees of Heswall Hall have been doing a lot of preparatory planning. I have informed Bill as a Trustee of Heswall Hall that we would be interested in his suggestion (not withstanding individuals decisions) to utilise the Hall when allowed and in line with the safe practices they are instigating. One key thing being that we would use the Main Room so as to be able to socially distance and a clear cleaning regime is practiced. We would take responsibility for layout and after cleaning. There is a comprehensive set of guidance which we would be happy to comply with.

Heswall Hall are looking to a phased but limited start up from the 28th September. I would be keen for us to be involved as soon as possible. We may have to be flexible with days, hours and times as HH will limit opening days and times. I will keep you informed.

hugukuleletv123, I am hopeful that some of the recent issues have now been resolved. I hope you will continue to support the channel or indeed return if you have not been tuning in recently.

We have 45 followers signed up and it would be great to reach the Twitch milestone of having 50 people signed to the channel.

Requests, please do send in email requests for songs to play on Fridays. Any of the songs highlighted on our website in Yellow can be requested. Otherwise I'm afraid you just get my choices!

Hug and Lettuce Quiz, I will keep the quiz going for the foreseeable future as it gives us the chance to meetup.

Open Mic, don't forget to please send me your open mic recordings. It might take a while for me to play them but I will get round to it. Some of you are now getting very adept at bouncing audio files to each other and adding to the recording. I am also enjoying the chance to add to some of your recordings.

Original songs, over the coming weeks I will feature these songs in the stream for us to enjoy again.

As we move towards hopefully being able to meet again I would very much also want to harness the power of streaming as a learning tool so that we get the best of both worlds. Streaming with the new system will be completely different for us.

Ok, a lot of information and updates for you to take in. Please stay safe and enjoy whatever activities you are allowed and are comfortable with.

See you Friday


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