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HUG NEWS 51 29th July 20

A really frustrating time now if you are thinking of holidaying abroad. Perhaps for those of us retired 14 days quarantine is not such an imposition but I feel sorry for those who have booked holidays in good faith and now find these plans in turmoil.

We took the decision early on that we would not even consider holidaying abroad this year. It has never really been a pleasure with the hassle of Airports and restrictions anyway.

hugukulele123 we broke new ground last Friday with our first stream of some of us playing live. It was chaotic and crazy but a lot of fun to do. Thank you for your kind words they made it all worthwhile. (The image above is a screen shot of us playing live).

Just wanted to share with you what was entailed to actually do it. Firstly, having agreed with Geoff and Sheila we agreed the songs. The room was sanitised and I used an air purifier for 5 hours. Windows and doors open throughout to ensure air was circling through the room. One entrance from outside. Finally, we distanced from each other. Geoff and Sheila were in place by 9.30am.

Now being gluttons for punishment we are going to play live again this Friday so I hope even if you have stopped joining the Friday stream you will tune in. We have preselected songs that we will play and you can play along with so that you can prep. These are the songs:-

Bring Me Sunshine, Delilah, Three Little Birds, Enjoy Yourself, Galway Girl, Hello MaryLou, Hound Dog, I'll Fly Away, Leaving Of Liverpool, On The Road Again. Plus we will be featuring Geoffs Song Lockdown Blues, I have posted the song sheet in the Music area on our website for you to also download ready to play along to.

So, this time we are going for all songs being played live. Learning from last week it proved difficult to juggle between live and recorded so all live warts and all!

I have some open mike material that I will also intersperse. One casualty is being able to monitor the chat so forgive me but please do continue to chat with each other. Usually Sheila would keep an eye on chat for me but she will be busy!

Fingers crossed we have fun doing it. One bonus is I will audio record the live songs, this means we can then use them for future streams. We got good recordings of Whiskey, Leaning On A Lamp Post, Folsom and Crocodile Rock, unfortunately we cocked up Little Old wine drinker by forgetting the instrumental part so we will do that some other time!

HUG AND LETTUCE QUIZ, thank you again if you joined us for the quiz night. Not so many now but will continue as it gives us an excuse to meet up and play some songs. Have probably exhausted 70s songs now so will get my thinking cap on for future quizzes.

New PC just a quick update, Kate has sent me photos of her building the system so it's coming along nicely. Major concern now though is if Germany is placed on the Quarantine list and Kate struggles to bring the new PC over with her. She is due to come over for a holiday in September with her partner. Fingers crossed, I am so looking forward to at long last being able to do so much more and not have my heart in my mouth fearing the Mac will play up.

Youtube, just a quick update I have been working on intro video for the site and will let you know when and where you can view this to start to get a feel for our new channel.

Quick Learning, I know that some of you have been trying out the various parts of the song Let It Be that we have been using to learn new things.

On Friday the Quick Lesson 5 will be about the Interlude/Ending Riff. You will find Quick Lesson 5 on the website along with a video demonstrating the Riff.

If you would like to have a go at recording yourself singing and playing Verses and chorus then send them in.

After this Friday Geoff, Sheila and myself are going to record the song complete. (Well thats the plan!).

Open Mike/New Songs, remember there is an open invitation to get creative and share contributions with the group. Contributions can be songs we don't do, your own compositions, or poetry. Just be creative.

Look after yourselves hope to see as many of you as possible for our Live, Live stream on Friday.


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