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HUG NEWS 58 7th September 20

It has been an exciting few days since my daughter arrived from Germany. We managed to grab a few days out in Wales where she had rented a lodge. It was very relaxing doing absolutely nothing!

Kate said her journey was unremarkable unlike normally. It seems that reluctance to return to work translates in to quieter roads, especially coming around the M25 and through Birmingham. So they were an hour earlier than normal.

Work in Progress, Kate is now back with us for the rest of this week and Birthday apart, is working on setup for us. The installation and set up is almost complete so then it will be about robustly testing everything and then teaching me to use the various bits.

I would bore you to death with what has gone on but actually I haven't the foggiest!

I am hoping against all hope that it is as idiot proof as she can make it!

Timescales I am working to, will be fingers crossed, to start the live stream again this Friday.

It will start modestly. There is likely to be things that will have to wait for another day as there is only so much that can be achieved this time around.

The good thing is that because the system is a paired down version of her own, Kate can remotely access mine from Germany and make tweaks to it.

Beta testing, you will now find notifications that the stream is live over the next few days, this is simply testing everything out. you can either just ignore it or take a peek if you want.

It is fair to say other than the screen that I use to control the Broadcast everything else is completely different. It will still be the same log in process for yourselves though.

As I indicated last Blog, if you are able to run the stream through your TV you will get a much better experience as there will be more detail on screen. The faster and more stable your Broadband is the better for you. If anyone can help others who want to with this let me know.

To all intents and purpose, we will have our own Streamed TV Channel, so if you do access streamed TV now it will be like another channel for you.

Quick Lessons, I am not sure that I highlighted that I had posted the Video for Quick Lesson 11, it is available via our website. I spent some time re laying out the page to hopefully make it easier for you.

By the time you read this Blog we will have enjoyed a nice meal at the Fox and Hounds to celebrate Kates Birthday.

Kate said thank you so much for your Birthday wishes btw.

So this Blog is just a short update to keep you informed of progress.

Stay safe and well and fingers crossed I will be able to confirm going live on Friday!


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