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HUG NEWS 60 30th September 20

So hands up if you are confused by the current Covid rules, laws and guidelines!! My brain hurts trying to get to grips with what is and isn't allowed, where and when. It feels like they are making it up as they go along, its one step forward and two steps back.

Hugukuleletv 123, well it felt to me like I had started to get to grips with the Friday Stream and at least knew what I was supposed to be doing! Of course you may think differently, I don't get to see what you see and hear.

I am having to be creative with using material and content but there are opportunities for us that I will utilise. The best way to look at our stream is to think of it as a TV channel, there will be a variety of items, play alongs, features and guest spots.

I hope you are enjoying having the song sheets available to you on screen. don't forget to maximise your screen or attach to your smart tv to get the best benefit.

I have found that the secret to staying on top of controlling everything is for me to not play along. This is a small price to pay in order for things to go as smoothly as possible.

Please do make use of Chat as it can be disconcerting when all goes quiet! Sheila has kindly volunteered to monitor the Chat as its easy for me to miss something.

Poems, just to let the contributors know I have not forgotten and will be pulling things together ready to be streamed.

Quick Lessons, thank you for tuning in to the Lessons. I hope those of you who are, take something away that you feel you can use.

This Friday we will move on to a new topic. On Thursday I will post the Lesson Sheet for Fridays Lesson in the Member Area on our website, I will email when I have done this.

WORKSHOP, I took part in an online workshop on Introduction to Finger Picking recently. I am going to stream out the workshop tonight at 7.00pm 30th SEPT (Stream start 6.50pm ready for a prompt start) if any of you are interested in learning some basic Fingerpicking. I found it very interesting and picked up some basic techniques. Like everything it will take practice to get proficient but it was easy to see how Fingerpicking adds to a song.

There is an accompanying worksheet that I will post to the website ready for you to print off and use. I will let you know by email when I have done this.

Hug & Lettuce Tuesday night Quiz, over the last 2 weeks we have trialed a new quiz format. Fair to say that things have not gone smoothly. The quiz is very much in development and having given it a go I have taken the decision to abandon the interactive format. It is now clear that there are too many variables with the computers and Tablets in use and the quality of the Broadband being used. it proved impossible to remotely resolve or accommodate the variances so people gave up in frustration.

I am working on a different more tried and trusted format for the quiz so will let you know progress.

As I have previously indicated Tuesdays would ideally evolve into a mixture of social and learning in support of Fridays, whether that be actual or virtual as is likely for some time.

So, I hope to see you on Friday for Quick Lesson and or for the Friday Session. Thank you again for your support. If you no longer tune in on Fridays (or have never) why not give it a go. It is so much different than when we started out.

Look after yourselves


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